Articles tagged Ngpl

  • It's a Go for Alliance In the U.S., FERC Says

    Over the din of protesters, especially soon-to-be competitorNatural Gas Pipeline Co. of America (NGPL), FERC last week deniedthe majority of rehearing requests and awarded Alliance PipelineL.P. its long-awaited optional certificate to build a majortransportation link between western Canadian production fields andthe U.S. Midwest.

  • Natural's Negotiated-Rate Plan 'Premature'

    FERC earlier this week rejected Natural Gas Pipeline Company ofAmerica's (NGPL) proposal to implement negotiated rates on itssystem, saying that such a move would be "premature" until it couldact on the pipeline's proposed auction procedures that are pendingas part of a comprehensive settlement.

  • Natural Proposes Interactive Auction Procedures

    As part of a comprehensive settlement filed at FERC Natural GasPipeline Company of America (NGPL) has proposed implementing aninteractive auction process for posting and awardingtransportation/storage capacity on its system within less than twoyears. Although the settlement reserves five contested issues, allof the "active" parties have indicated their support for theproposal.

  • NGC: FERC Punishment Doesn't Fit Crime

    A leading gas marketer last week decried FERC's reprimand ofNatural Gas Pipeline Company of America (NGPL) formarketing-affiliate improprieties as being far too light. The minoradmonishment, according to Natural Gas Clearinghouse (NGC), failedto provide adequate redress to the overall market, and producersand marketers victimized by the Midwest pipeline's wrongdoing.