Articles tagged Permits

  • Australian Terminal-lite CA LNG Project Files for Permits

    Australian-based Woodside Natural Gas Inc. announced Friday that its has filed for federal and city permits to operate its proposed OceanWay liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. The project would regasify shipments aboard ship and send the supplies to shore via a 20-mile undersea pipeline to landfall near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Sempra Energy's Southern California Gas Co. transmission pipeline system runs along the shore next to LAX.

  • Australian Terminal-lite CA LNG Project Files for Permits

    Australian-based Woodside Natural Gas Inc. announced Friday that its has filed for federal and city permits to operate its proposed OceanWay liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. The project would regasify shipments aboard ship and send the supplies to shore via a 20-mile undersea pipeline to landfall near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Sempra Energy's Southern California Gas Co. transmission pipeline system runs along the shore next to LAX.

  • Sempra Energy Gains Key Permits for Two North American LNG Terminals

    Along with a final federal U. S. environmental approval for its Louisiana site, San Diego-based Sempra Energy Monday said it received key federal and local approvals for its proposed Costa Azul liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving terminal along the Pacific Coast of North Baja in Mexico. Construction of the Gulf and Pacific Coast projects is expected to begin next year with completion for both projects targeted in 2007.

  • Eastern Canadians Say They're Being Charged 'Boston Prices' for Sable Gas

    Eastern Canadians are not only being denied access to most natural gas produced offshore of Nova Scotia, they also are being made to pay a premium for the limited supplies they can divert from exports to New England, the National Energy Board (NEB) has been told. The complaint was made by New Brunswick's assistant deputy energy minister, Donald Barnett. It forms part of the provincial government's case for an exception to be made from free trade in gas with the U.S. in order to hold back supplies traveling on Maritimes & Northeast through eastern Canada. Hearings have been called for July 15 in Fredericton, NB.

  • Wood Signals El Paso's FR Contracts Are High on Agenda

    FERC last week denied rehearing of a June order that permits Arizona Public Service Co. to assign its full-requirements (FR) capacity contract on El Paso Natural Gas to affiliate Pinnacle West Energy to serve a new gas-fired generation facility that it is building in Arizona. On the surface, it seemed a clear victory for the companies involved. However, Chairman Pat Wood made it very clear that he has concerns about FR service on El Paso, which entitles customers to unlimited capacity at frozen rates, and that he plans to take up the issue at a later date.

  • Wood Signals That El Paso's FR Contracts Are High on Agenda

    FERC denied rehearing of a June order that permits Arizona Public Service Co. to assign its full-requirements (FR) capacity contract on El Paso Natural Gas to affiliate Pinnacle West Energy to serve a new gas-fired generation facility that it is building in Arizona. On the surface, it seemed a clear victory for the companies involved. However, Chairman Pat Wood made it very clear that he has concerns about FR service on El Paso, which entitles customers to unlimited capacity at frozen rates, and that he plans to take up the issue at a later date.

  • FPL's Fort Myers Project Gets Green Light

    Florida Power & Light Co. (FPL) said Thursday it receivedapproval of its final construction permits to restructure the FortMyers power plant and will begin work at the site immediately.Generation from the $500 million project (called a "repowering"project) will be phased in beginning in early 2001 withcombined-cycle conversion complete by mid-year 2002.

  • Industry Briefs

    Union Gas announced the availability of 2 Bcf of peak storage atthe Dawn Market Hub. The storage permits summer 1999 injection and1999-2000 winter withdrawal. The storage capacity will be awardedbased on a bidding process. All bids are due by 1 p.m. EST onFriday, May 21. The high bidders will be awarded the capacity by 3p.m. EST that same day. The storage hub has six pipelineinterconnects and easy access to 15 pipeline and distributioncompanies, Union Gas said. The complex has a working capacity of130 Bcf and can deliver 2 Bcf/d for customers.