Industry News & Basic Data
Mexico Gas Price Index
- Daily, monthly (Bidweek) and forward natural gas prices at 43 locations within Mexico and along the border
- Market analysis and on-the-ground news coverage of key events impacting Mexican supply/demand fundamentals
- Daily U.S. natural gas pipeline exports into Mexico, as well as daily natural gas capacity utilization rates on pipelines throughout Mexico
Updated Pricing
Mexico Data Suite
- Daily, Bidweek, and Forward prices driven by Mexican market fundamentals
- Trustworthy and impartial cost-plus-transport pricing calculated by NGI
- Calculated Wahalajara prices
Price History
Mexico Historical Data
- Historical pricing database dating back to 2017
- Impartial pricing calculated by NGI
- Trusted pricing at affordable rates
Product Suite Includes:
- Daily, monthly (Bidweek) and forward natural gas prices at 43 locations within Mexico and along the border
- Market analysis and on-the-ground news coverage of key events impacting Mexican supply/demand fundamentals
- Daily U.S. natural gas pipeline exports into Mexico, as well as daily natural gas capacity utilization rates on pipelines throughout Mexico
- Regular interviews with Mexico natural gas subject matter experts
- Experienced insight into Mexican regulatory developments and political environment, as well as extensive coverage of energy infrastructure and LNG projects
- U.S. day-ahead spot market prices key to Mexico and key U.S. forward price curves
- Day-ahead power prices at 31 locations in Mexico
- Historical pricing database dating back to 2017