Industry News & Basic Data
MidDay Price Alert
- Daily physical spot natural gas price indexes at 170+ locations in North America
- Benchmark pricing for Chicago and California markets
- One of only two price reporting agencies that include Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) data in price methodology
Price History
MidDay Historical Data
- Understand how closely midday prices are linked end-of-day prices with a historical midday database of prices
- Includes both Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) prices and
NGI-reported trade data - Midday prices at 160+ hubs/locations
Product Suite Includes:
- Obtain a clear indication of where end of day prices are headed
- Includes Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) trade data
- MidDay prices at 160+ hubs/locations
- Affordable, trustworthy natural gas pricing
- Historical midday database of prices
- Accessible analysts and exceptional customer service