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Story of the Day

After Storage Print, ‘Very Range Bound’ Natural Gas Futures End Seesaw Session Up

澳洲2024幸运5开奖预测官网|幸运5开奖结果查询方法|幸运5正规官网开奖 October Nymex natural gas futures settled higher Thursday on some bullish implications from the latest storage data and potential lingering strong demand on the possibility that hot weather may continue through September.

By Jodi Shafto


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Daily Gas Price Index

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  1. Daily physical spot natural gas price indexes at 160+ locations in North America
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  3. 澳洲开奖官方开奖预测网 News and analysis of key natural gas & LNG markets
  4. Recommended for:  Natural gas traders, analysts, global LNG buyers & sellers, accounting & settlement professionals, commodity risk professionals, and energy procurement professionals

Forward Look

Forward Price Curves

  1. Natural gas forward price curves going out 10 years at over 70 trading locations in North America
  2. Includes both fixed price curves and basis differentials to the Henry Hub
  3. Recommended for:  Energy procurement professionals, natural gas traders, analysts, accounting & settlement professionals, commodity risk and investment professionals

MidDay Price Alert

Indicative Pricing

  1. Obtain a clear indication of where end of day prices are headed
  2. Includes Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) trade data
  3. Recommended for: Energy procurement professionals, natural gas traders, marketers, analysts, LDC's, utilities and electric power generators

Daily Gas Price Index

Natural gas spot pricing, market commentary, news, storage, LNG and fundamental data

  • Daily physical spot natural gas price indexes at 160+ locations in North America
  • Benchmark pricing for Chicago and California market
  • News and analysis of key natural gas & LNG market events

Mexico Gas Price Index

Mexico natural gas pricing and fundamentals, market analysis and news

  • Daily, monthly (Bidweek) and forward natural gas prices at 43 locations within Mexico and along the border
  • Market analysis and on-the-ground news coverage of key events impacting Mexican supply/demand fundamentals
  • Experienced insight into Mexican regulatory developments and political environment, as well as extensive coverage of energy infrastructure and LNG projects
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